16th July 2012

Naumai e te whanau o te kura Muritai 
Tena koutou katoa

I hope you all have had a lovely mid-year break with your families. The weather has been a bit up and down and it's a shame that the first day of term is started with an 'inside day'.

Welcome to our new students - Josh Watson (Rm 24), Cooper Watson (Rm 9), Shannon Humprhris (Rm 11), Eleanor Nelson (Rm 2), Sienna Hooper (Rm 2), Tristan Bain (Rm 16), Charlie Fisher (Rm 16), Lottie Wilson (Rm 16), Archie MacKenzie (Rm 16) - our roll currently stands at 426.

For term 3 it will be as busy as ever. Schools have a real industrious energy to them and this term will be as lively as usual. Looking across each team's planning I see that the Olympic Games is a focus for inquiry and of course the school production will unfold later in the term. Around these topics will be the development of essential skills in reading, writing and maths, so the children will be knuckling down and getting stuck in right from the start. 

Reports and conferences last term identified to parents learning goals and next steps for students and so those little things like daily reading, spelling practice and mathletics will all help develop the essential basic skills children need. As always please keep up the dialogue with teachers (email or face to face contact), in particular how well children are going in meeting their next steps.

We welcome back Jess Savage to Muritai.  Jess is starting our new class of 5 year olds in room 16. We also welcome Felicity Schofield to the Muritai team as teacher aide for our new student Shannon in room 11 who has started at Muritai and is visually impaired. Shannon can do all the things that the other children can do, although she needs a cane to help her get around the school. 

We have lots of the Muritai family in the school at the moment helping teachers and children and we want to say thank you so much to our volunteers for spending some of your precious time with our children. People are in the school doing hooked on books, sorting and repairing resources, attending to sports uniforms or working with children in classrooms. It is a huge help and really makes a difference.

The latest clips have been posted up. You can view the band's first music video by clicking here

Parking wardens will be visiting Muritai School shortly to keep the area around our entrance safe for everyone getting to and from school.

Double parking or stopping on broken yellow lines can make it difficult for the road patrol to see approaching vehicles, and for other drivers to see children crossing.

For the safety of your child and their friends;
  • Slow down around our school
  • Always observe all parking restrictions near our school
  • Always cross at the patrolled crossing
  • Walk to school, or be prepared to park a short distance away and walk. This will reduce traffic congestion.  
Our new Police Constable, Dave Tweedale, has also asked that we remind parents to use the crossing and set a good example for the children.  If you are crossing between the diamonds on the road, please use the crossing.  

With many parents now on Facebook we are able to share information and school news events via Facebook. Presently we have about 90 'friends' which is made up of just 40 current school families.

You can sign up to Muritai School's Facebook page and therefore get regular updates of events.  Click here to join up on Facebook. 

Alternatively, if you are not on Facebook you can also receive these updates straight to your cellphone via Twitter. Simply text 8987 and type in follow MuritaiSchool and you will receive updates, simple messages, reminders, cancellations direct to your cellphone.

Next Friday at 1.30 Maureen Buckley is hosting a session for junior parents on literacy.

The U13 Hutt Valley Rugby Reps recently won the Central Zones.  Henry Griffiths and Xavier Manson were part of this team - well done boys! Xavier also captained the team and was voted player of the tournament. Louis Rutherford and Ben Grenfell also played for the Under 11 Hutt Valley Rep team.

Fri July 20 - School Assembly 1.45
Fri July 27 - Artsplash choir rehearsal at Hutt Intermediate; Junior literacy session at 1.30
Tue July 31 - Year 5-6 Zone netball; ICAS English; Junior parents maths session at 7.00; BOT mtg
Wed Aug 1 - Visiting performers - The Ned Show
Thur Aug 2 - Mrs Skilton returns to R9
Fri Aug 3 - Mrs Naik last day in R9; School Assembly 1.45

Give your kids the chance to learn French, Term 3 
Fun French for ages 10 to 12 (year 6 to 8s) a NEW class, Wednesday straight after school at 3.10pm. Designed specifically for the older primary level,  including fun games plus plenty of learning, in line with their age and ability.
Fun French for ages 5 to 9, Tuesday lunch-times.  Lots of games crafts, fun activities to help us learn.  Some spaces available in both classes, taking registrations now for term 3.   Come for a free trial lesson. 
LCF Fun Languages offers the opportunity to learn another language for children from 2 to 12 years.  A big variety of interactive and communicative activities: role play, crafts, activity sheets, lively games, songs and drama. Professionally designed materials and a set curriculum. Contact Stefi Plimmer-Blattner on 562 8211 or stefi@lcfclubs.co.nz   Website:www.lcfclubs.co.nz
