Thursday 22 August

Kia ora koutou

As we head towards week 7 there is a confident sense of industry. After being cooped up inside for most of the week the children were out and about at play and lunch today releasing some cabin fever! There is much on as we prepare for the school production of "Uno's Effect" in week 10. This is always a successful exercise as we find ourselves challenged to put together a show that reflects the quality of our people at Muritai School. With this challenge comes teamwork and a sense of spirit that is alive and well at Muritai. I am sure you will be thrilled with the end results.

Congratulations to many of our children who have secured awards at the recent ICAS science exams. Andrew Sutcliffe scored the perfect result with 100% and so will be presented with a special medal.

Results -
Medal of Excellence - Andrew Sutcliffe
High Distinction - (top 1%) - Ella Tait
Distinction - (top 10%) - Tim Harris, Pablo Montes de Oca, Monty Daley, Samantha Morphew, Harry Crawford
Credit - (top 20%) - Lauren Redpath, Max Woodnorth, Alexander Cox-Turk, Margarita Montes de Oca, Oscar Sykes, Kieran Cotter

Sadly this is postponed until week 11 (after the production). The year 7-8 students worked so hard to make this event work and the children were very excited. Conditions were just too damp to be able to be outside for the whole day. 

The Board has published their latest newsletter regarding information on progress around the new school library. Read the BOT newsletter here.

Priya Gain has her Mantle programme running again for some year 3-4 students on a Monday. This very different approach to inquiry is a really neat example of delivering Inquiry learning in a different and dramatic way. Read about the Mantle of the Expert programme here. 

Today our learning support teacher, Sarah Richardson, presented to over 100 teachers about the Muritai journey to being a 'dyslexia friendly school'. There is a lot of interest in the what we are doing at Muritai for our children with dyslexia in particular how Sarah works closely with classroom teachers developing programmes for students struggling with reading and writing. Sarah's work is captured here.

Our environmental leaders had an amazing day out last week with the Hutt City Council following our household rubbish from pick up, through the recycling plant and into the tip. They also visited Earth Link which re-uses and re-distributes useful old household artifacts to those people that need them.  You can read about their journey here.

Our Artsplash choir is working hard with Ruth Hooke and has performed at our recent assemblies. They sound superb and are performing at the Michael Fowler on Wednesday 12th September at 7.45. Tickets are available from Sue and Carole for $5 each

A group of Year 7 and 8 students from Muritai Senior School have thought hard about ways to fundraise for their end-of-year camp at Abel Tasman. Their aim was to reduce the cost of $400 by as much as possible. Teacher Melissa Coton, along with students Tom Walsh, Celine Malama, Kia Jewell and Gareth Severin came up with the idea of a coffee stall. The stall takes place on Friday mornings in the Muritai School Foyer. They sell coffee for $2 and hot chocolate and tea for $1. Cookies, cakes and other baked goods are baked fresh every morning by Miss Coton and the students, and are also selling for $1 each. Year 8 student Gareth Severin says that “ sales have been good, and we have raised around $200 already.” They hope to raise over $800 for the camp.

With many parents now on Facebook we are able to share information and school news events via Facebook.  Presently we have about 130 'friends' made up of just 50 current school families. Search for Muritai School and 'like' us.

Alternatively, if you are not on Facebook you can also receive these updates straight to your cellphone via Twitter. Simply text 8987 and type in follow MuritaiSchool and you will receive updates, simple messages, reminders, cancellations direct to your cellphone.


The 'Uno Effect'  tells the humorous story of a millionaire property developer's journey into a parallel universe, where he discovers millions of intricate and beautiful eco-systems… each of which help to support the most amazing creatures and plants.

"Don’t you see… it’s all about balance…. It’s a numbers game, especially between what people need and what nature needs….  Getting the balance right is not always easy, and it’s surprising how quickly things can change when you’re not looking".

The play is written by Kirsten Berry and is based on the book 'Uno's Garden' by Graham Base.  Tickets will go on sale on Monday 3 September and are available to purchase from the office.

Mrs Ryan  would like to thank everyone who has sent along a barbaloot suit for Room 1's production item. We  have 15 but still need 8 more (large if possible).  Please send them (clearly named) along to Room 1 and get a handful of jellybeans!  Thank you Mrs Ryan

NZ National Sport Stacking Championships
15 September will see the 4th NZ National Sport Stacking Championships being held at Arena Manawatu in Palmerston North.
  • GREAT EVENTS! All Timed Prelims (Individuals, Doubles and Timed 3-6-3 Relays) and Head-to-Head Relays will take place on the Saturday morning. All Timed Finals will take place Saturday afternoon
  • STACKS & STACKS OF EVENTS FOR ALL AGES! - From 2 years - 60+
  • Three Individual Events (3-3-3, 3-6-3, Cycle)
  • Two Doubles Events (Cycle & Parent/Child Cycle)
  • One Timed 3-6-3 Relay Event
  • One Head-to-Head Relay Event (Cycle)
  • LOTS OF STACKING RECORDS ON THE LINE — Regional and National
  • FOOD and DRINKS will be available for purchase
  • AWARDS! Including medals, certificates and Champion Trophy.
A fun-filled event for the entire family!  Early registrations close this Friday!  Go to the website or see Mr. McKay for registration forms (

The brochure for the next holiday programme is out now with lots of different fun things to keep children occupied, including a Talent Quest, Junglerama, a Creative Day, Puppet Pageantry, Staglands and a Glow in the dark 70s Disco Day.  Enrolments must be received at the school office by Friday 21 September as unfortunately we cannot take casual bookings once the programme has started.  Brochures are available at the school office or check out the After School Care blog page.

Mel is also looking for craft supplies, stuff that can be recycled easily from home like:  jars, material scraps, plastic cups, plastic bags (thick coloured ones like farmers bags etc are preferable to supermarket bags), magazines, wool etc.  Please drop any items you think would be of use into the school office or at ASC in the school hall.  

Congratulations everyone for your efforts. Our finalised total was $ 2652.40, which was enough to provide nutritious food for 442 children for a month in Mali or Niger.  This is more than $5 for each student in our school, which is an amazing achievement to be proud of.  

For our efforts we have been awarded a Bronze certificate and 4 senior students have been invited to attend a senior leadership day in October. 

I am looking for "pots, plants, garden tools, garden ornaments, anything else garden related for the plant stall for the Carnival this year.  You can drop off at 185 Muritai Rd (opposite the school) or I can pick up.  Contact on my mobile 027/5565981 or 5628558 - David Williams.

Thurs 23 Aug - Juniors out at Musical Stars in Wellington 
Tues 28 Aug - Year 5-6 Central Zone hockey
Wed 29 Aug - Starting school at 5   - 7.00 staffroom
Thurs 30 Aug - BP Technology Challenge (Y4 team / Y5-6 team)/NIWA science fair
Fri 31 Aug - School Assembly 1.45
Mon 3 Sept - BoT mtg
Thur 6 Sept - Y5-6 Mathswell team event
Wed 12 Sept - Artsplash - 11.45 rehearsal / 7.45 Artsplash show
Fri 14 Sept - School assembly 1.45 /  Last day for Lucky Book Clubs
Tues 18 Sept - Uno's Garden 1pm and 7pm
Wed 19 Sept - Uno's Garden 7pm
Thurs 20 Sept - Uno's Garden 7pm


Nitsy Pixies
Hi I'm Lisa from 'Nitsy Pixies'.  Are you struggling with Headlice?  Treating but they seem to keep coming back?  Then contact me on 0800 nitsypixies (648 0797) or through my website,  I do in-salon Treatments or can provide you with my well tested Treatment oil for you to do at home.  Mention Muritai School when booking and get 10% off!

Eastbourne Market
This weekend the Eastbourne Market is on in the senior school. Come along and browse the stalls to see if you can find those things that will be just right in your home or as a gift for someone else.

Eastside Gym
Parents at the school, Brett and Debbie Turner, have opened The Eastside Gym (previously Physique) in Eastbourne. To help get the ball rolling they  are running a winter special for new members of 6 month at $600 and for every parent of Muritai School that signs up to Eastside Gym they will donate $50 to Muritai School. Thank you so much Brett and Debbie.

This is a fantastic local facility - great cardio equipment and weights gear and so handy to home. Please click on their website for details

Staglands windback to 1972 prices
To celebrate their 40th anniversary year, Staglands are winding back their admission prices and offering all visitors the opportunity to visit the Reserve and pay what they would have in 1972 to enter!  This means adults pay just 40 cents (as opposed to $19) and children just 20 cents (as opposed to $8) to enter.  This amazing offer is available for one day only so make sure you mark Saturday 8th September in your diary to help us celebrate 40 years at Staglands Wildlife Reserve.

Lucky Book Club orders
The last day for lucky book club orders is Friday 14th September. Please pay by credit card or cheque made out to Scholastic NZ- we cannot accept cash.

Wainuiomata BMX Club
The Wainuiomata BMX Club is holding their annual open day on Saturday 1st September 2012. This is a fun day and offers riders a chance to “have a go”. Riders of all ages are welcome (including mums and dads) but all riders must have a well maintained bike (any sort), a helmet, long sleeve top  and long pants, shoes, socks and gloves that cover the fingers (Garden gloves are fine).

Registration is from 2.30pm with racing from 3.00pm.
Food and drink will be for sale, spot prizes and a raffle. Join the club and become a BMX NZ Licensed Member in the month of September to be in the Major prize draw.

Spectators are welcome, so come along and enjoy the fun.
If wet, postponements will be on our Facebook page, and our website: 
The track is located at Hugh Sinclair Park, The Strand, Wainuiomata.
Any enquiries to: Michelle 564 4258


6 August 2012

Naumai e te whanau o te kura Muritai Tena koutou katoa

Welcome to our new students who have joined the Muritai School family - Angelica Leder, Jasmine Leder and Emmy McKay.

A very busy fortnight with the children very focused and enjoying the Olympic Games. The Olympics give us the opportunity to work right across the curriculum and  explore the history, geography, science and health of this athletic extravaganza. It certainly isn't a passive experience for kids as oral language and thinking skills come to the fore as children and teachers engage in rich discussions. Our senior students are currently organising the Muritai Olympics which will involve all our children to be held on Monday 20 August.

The Olympics have brought some visitors to the school and Ross Collinge - rowing gold medallist from 1968 and silver medallist from 1972 spoke to the year 7-8 students about the hard work and sacrifices involved to be an Olympic champion. 

Last week we hosted the Co Theatre Group who performed three shows for the children and were absolutely wonderful in their performance.  We also hosted the Ned Show from the US a show which promoted achievement through the right attitude. The show shared the message of Never giving up, Encouraging others and Doing your best. A simple message and thoroughly enjoyed by the children. 

We are increasingly getting tagging and destruction to property during the weekend and overnight. While not a new issue for schools it is increasingly prominent this year. The Board has resolved to tackle this issue. We will be improving our signage and installing security cameras so that we can prosecute those responsible for damaging our property. We will also be requesting that people do not come on the property after dark and they may be prosecuted if they do so. This is an unfortunate cost to the school but it is important for our wider community.  People who use our property inappropriately should suffer the consequences of their actions. As parents, please feel comfortable looking after our school after hours and do whatever is necessary to keep Muritai School safe for all.

Muritai is one of the few schools to still be doing an annual school production. This year it is a whole school production and we are producing Graeme Base's book "Uno's Garden". Initial work is underway and whilst we always try and keep a lid on things often the teachers and children become increasingly aspirational as time goes on. We have always had wonderful parent support in these projects so just a friendly warning that this will be up and going by week seven (27 August) onwards.  Performances will be held in week 10 - 18, 19 and 20 September.

Getting into the spirit of the Olympics we thought we would have a Mini-Olympics at the school on Monday 20 August. The aim of this is for the students and teachers of Muritai School to reinforce the Olympic Values of balance between mind, body and character, joy in effort and pursuit of excellence and fair play. 

A fun event, the children will be mixed up and split into 34 teams (countries) of 12 students each (siblings will all be in the same teams).  The year 7-8 students are designing the events as part of their mini-inquiry into the Olympic Games.


What a wonderful day it was  at the Wellington Open Sport Stacking Championships (Saturday 21st July).   Muritai School was well represented and many of the students placed in the top 3 of their events.  We also had 2 of our students finish in the top 10 overall... Neve McKay 6th and Ella McKay 8th.

You may have seen in the news that Christchurch has very high rates of flu.  We are starting to see flu-like illness in our region.  The main symptoms reported are sudden onset of sore throat, headache, fever, cough and sometimes vomiting and tummy pain.  To prevent spread of these viral illnesses in the community there are some simple and effective steps that can be taken:
  • Individuals who are unwell should not be at school or attend social functions and sports matches.  Ensure you stay home until 48 hours after symptoms have stopped and the child/adult is well enough to return.
  • Prevent the spread of the virus by ensuring everyone covers their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing and put used tissues in a covered bin or a plastic bag.
  • Encourage everyone to wash their hands regularly.  
  • Clean surfaces that are touched a lot (door handles, bench tops, toilet and bathroom areas).  One of the most effective and cheapest disinfecting solutions to clean these surfaces is a solution of household bleach and water.
  • It is very important for children who have health conditions that may make them more susceptible to becoming very sick to have a flu immunisation.  
Tuesday 7 August - Y5-6 Sports exchange with Boulcott and Hutt Central school
Tuesday 14 August - Y5-6 Tackle rugby; Y7-8 Zone Netball; ICAS Maths
Thursday 16 August - 30 Y5-8 children on Green Gold tour of Hutt City council
Friday 17 August - Assembly 1.45
Monday 20 August - Mini Olympics 9.00-1.00

Piano lessons with Vanessa Tindle (ATCL.BSc.dipTchg)
I intend to take on additional students in Term 4 and in 2013.  If your child would like to have piano lessons at school, please contact me as early as possible to register your interest.  All enquiries are welcome. 
Vanessa ph 562 7663.

Virtuoso Strings Orchestra
The Virtuoso Strings Orchestra (VSO) has openings for student string players wanting to have FUN and learn the art of orchestral playing in a relaxed environment. Rehearsals take place every Saturday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm at the Mt. Cook Campus of the New Zealand School of Music. We will be working towards entertaining Artsplash audiences in September and other concerts later in the year. Suitable for students of ALL ages from around Grade 4 to Grade 8 level. Please email for further information
