23 May 2014

Welcome to Poppy Harrison, Paige Levine and Reihan Kusnadi to Muritai School. It is lovely to have you as part of our Muritai family.

Today is the last day at Muritai for Kirsten Berry and Hayden Ray. They have been fantastic teachers and they have huge respect and are much loved by the children of the school. They have been wonderful colleagues of the staff and we will miss them dearly. We wish them all the best for their new challenges and are sure they be successful in all they do.

Next week Janelle McKay starts in room 14 until the end of the term and our new teacher Annette Borognje will start in term 3. Briana Lee is not able to start in room 7 until week 6 and so Barbara Ryan will be in room 7 for the next 2 weeks.

At present we have the team upgrading our School Network. They will be here for about a month re-cabling and future proofing the school for ICT advances. This will allow us to do many more

Good luck to our children who are doing the 20 hour/40 hour challenge this weekend in their support of World Visions campaign for Malawi.

Whacky hair day was a great success last week with students donating $739.20 to World Vision for Malawi.  There were some fantastic creations and the kids had a wonderful time with coloured hairspray, glitter, coloured pipe cleaners, pegs and ribbons galore!

A reminder that we have a teacher only day next Friday the 30 May. This is in the weekend of Queen's Birthday so allows families to have an 'extra long weekend'.   The teaching staff will be working in their teams, moderating student achievement and progress in preparation for mid-year reporting to parents.  After School Care will be running a programme for children who need looking after the day.  

Muritai has been abuzz with science this week. Primary Science Week is an opportunity for all New Zealand primary schools to engage in science teaching and learning. Led by Barbara Ryan and her science committee, this week we have been full of science activities culminating in the Blast Off at lunchtime today with our water-powered rockets.  We have a number of specialist visitors – I enjoyed meeting James and Karyn today from Weltec as the children constructed moving vehicles

Primary Science Week 2014 is focusing on things astronomical and is about celebrating science through Understanding, Investigating, Communicating, Participating and Contributing.  Our year 7/8 students are currently going through the process of carrying out a science investigation to present at the Senior School Science Fair at the end of term.  Once again, the teachers are thoroughly impressed with the wide variety of topics being investigated.  Students' work will be on display at the end of the term.

As part of our Home & School fundraising plan, we are once again selling the Entertainment Book membership. This year you have a choice of the book or the new digital membership (can be downloaded to your mobile phone). The cost is $60 per membership. For each membership sold we get $12, so this is a great fundraiser for our school.

If you do not wish to purchase a book, please return it to the school office as soon as possible.

You may recall seeing four murals painted on fence panels sitting in the foyer at the end of last term.  These were created by our Art Ambassadors in the year 7/8 syndicate and children from our year 5/6 syndicate.  The students had been busy working on their murals over the last few weeks of Term 1 and were delivered to the Hutt City Council and have been put up around HCC’s administration building on Laings Road. 

Last week these students were invited to attend a prize giving ceremony where our Year 7/8 students discovered they had won 2nd prize.  They were awarded with $500 for our art department.  An awesome achievement for everyone involved.  A big thank you to Mrs Allen and Mrs Berry for organising this opportunity. The quality of all the murals were remarkable so we would really recommend going to visit.

The end of Term 1 brought the end of a fantastic inquiry on War.  The senior school teachers were extremely impressed with the final presentations of the students' personal inquiries.  There was a huge variety and clearly a large amount of effort had been put in by all.  A selection of these projects is on display in the main school foyer.  The senior school teachers were particularly impressed with Eva Oliver's presentation - a true sample of going the extra mile for excellence.
Katie Beevers is the Eastbourne Shining Star this month. The 'Shining Star' award is an initiative of Jacqui Wall from Professionals Real Estate and was presented to Katie Beevers today.  This award is shared amongst the 3 Eastbourne Schools and is a great idea of Jacqui’s to recognise the wonderful children who are part of our community.

Katie is a Year 6 student, in Room 15, at Muritai School.  Katie is always 'respectful to her teachers and peers' and she is responsible, shows initiative in all her learning and is very supportive towards her classmates.  Katie has lots of empathy for others, which is a wonderful attribute to have.  Katie is also fully involved in school-life through the Peer Mediation programme, a member of the school road safety team, Kapa Haka performance group and in numerous school sports teams.  She is a great role model for others. Katie is definitely a 'Shining Star'.

Maureen and her team are running junior school parent evenings on reading, writing and maths in the early years at Muritai School. These popular evenings are on a Wednesday evening and start in Week 5 – Week 9. The dates are listed below.

Tuesday 27 May                   Y5-6 Zone football tournament
Friday 30 May                      Teacher Only Day - school closed
Monday 2 June                     Queen's Birthday - school closed
Wednesday 4 June              ICAS science exam / Junior parent reading evening 7pm
Thursday 5 June                   Strike percussion performance
Friday 6 June                        School Assembly 1.40
Monday 9 June                     Y1-2 fun ferns netball
Tuesday 10 June                  Y1-2 fun ferns netball; Y4-6 Zone cross country
Wednesday 11 June            Y1-2 fun ferns netball, Junior parent reading writing 7pm
Thursday 12 June                 Y1-2 fun ferns netball
Monday 16 June                   ICAS writing
Tuesday 17 June                  ICAS spelling
Wednesday 18 June            Starting School at 5 mtg 7pm
Thursday 19 June                 Board of Trustees mtg 7.30 staffroom
Friday 20 June                      School assembly 1.40
Tuesday 24 June                  Y4-6 inter-zone cross-country; Y7-8 Zone football
Wednesday 25 June            Junior parent maths evening 7pm
Monday 30 June                   Matariki 
Tuesday 1 July                     Kapa haka roopu at Lower Hutt primary festival 7pm
                                             Y4-6 Regional Cross Country; Y3-4 Football in Schools
Thursday 3 July                    Y5-6 Speech finals; Celebrations of learning 3pm - 6pm
Friday 4 July                         Last day of term 2 - school finishes at 2.55


Does your child have a learning difficulty?
Arrowsmith is an internationally recognised programme that has proven effective for students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. The focus of Arrowsmith is to address the underlying mental processes that cause the learning disability, rather than aiming to manage the symptoms. The Arrowsmith Programme is founded on neuroscience research and over 30 years of experience demonstrating that it is possible for students to strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying their learning dysfunctions through a programme of specific cognitive exercises. 

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Programme and author of the book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” is visiting Wellington in June.  Details: Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young - Tuesday June 24, 2014 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Auditorium, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington.

For more information about Arrowsmith please see the website: http://www.arrowsmithschool.org/arrowsmithprogram/index.html 

Please register here: http://samuelmarsdencollegiate.eventbrite.ca

Eastbourne Plunket
Clean out your bookshelves and toy boxes for Eastbourne Plunket! We would love any pre-loved, good quality preschool toys and books for our Plunket rooms. We would like to update and freshen our collection so if you have anything your children have grown out of playing with or reading, please donate them to us. Contact Virginia to arrange collection on 04 562 7394 or totsandrew@gmail.com. Anything surplus to our requirements will be donated to a local charity.

Kids Cross Country Series - next event at Trentham Memorial Park, Upper Hutt
Athletics Wellington is running the Kids Cross Country Series over the winter months at various venues around the Wellington region.  The next event is Sunday 8 June at Trentham Memorial Park.  Get a few friends together and form a team.  Team and individual awards.  Children get their own personalised race bib if they enter 7 days prior to each event.  With school cross-country season in full swing it’s a great opportunity to take part in these cross-country events throughout the winter season.  You don’t need to be a club member to take part.  Everyone is welcome.  For more information, or to enter go to www.athleticshub.co.nz or email jo@athleticswellington.org.nz or phone 021 976116.

Babysitter Available
My name is Hasmine Henwood.  I am available to look after your kids anytime.  I am 33 years old.  Please give me a call on 562 7009 or text me 021 171 6721.  The rate if $10 per hour.

7 May 2014

Welcome to Olivia Hallum, Quinn Knapman and Blake Carroll, our recent arrivals to Muritai School. We start the term with 433 pupils.

Welcome back to term 2. The children have settled straight back into their learning and we are very impressed with the way they have just got back into the classroom routines. This is a 9 week term, with Queen's Birthday so it will go quickly. 

Next week we have progress and anniversary interviews for year 1,2,3 children. At the end of this term written reports and national standards progress information will be issued. The children will also host a learning celebration afternoon to share their learning with parents and caregivers

There is a real science flavour to this term. Each team's inquiry is focussed on science and our curriculum committee has prepared some exciting learning experiences for the children. We have science week in week 3 which this year focuses on things Astronomical through the slogan  'Out of the World'. We are planning a series of exciting experiments for the children to observe scientific change and to understand how our world works. You will be able to see most of this in action on each class blog as the term unfolds. The senior school science blog has been going since the beginning of the year and you can see how science unfolds in the senior school by viewing their blogsite.
At the end of this term year 7-8 will have their science exhibition for parents to view.  Muritai TV kicked things off by connecting with Mrs Ryan and her children about tagging butterflies. View here.

A reminder that we have a teacher only day on Friday 30 May. This is in the weekend of Queen's Birthday so allows families to have an 'extra long weekend'.  A reminder that this is not actually a day off for teachers (as suggested by Mike Hosking on Seven Sharp).  The teaching staff will be working in their teams, moderating student achievement and progress in preparation for mid-year reporting to parents.  After School Care will be running a programme for children who need looking after the day.  This teacher only day allows us to complete our legal requirement of 193 school days within the preferred start and finish dates of Monday 3 February and Thursday 18 December. 

During the holiday break we have had to remove one of our gum trees. While it is always sad to see a tree come down, the damage incurred in last year’s major storm which tore the middle out of it,  was too much for the tree to recover from and it was significantly 'stressed'. The recommendation from the arborist was that it was to start again and we will be replanting in that spot soon.

We welcome Annette Borognje and Briana Lee to the teaching staff at Muritai replacing Kirsten Berry and Hayden Ray  who leave us in week 3. Annette joins us from Belmont School and Briana joins us from Crofton Downs. Both Annette and Briana are very excited about joining the Muritai team very soon. 

In the last week of the term the weather held out enough for us to hold our cross country at our new venue at the Eastbourne Rec. A tough headwind down the beach provided an excellent challenge and the children are to be complimented for their courage, tenacity and effort to get to the finish line. We ran 2 grades this year, a championship grade, a longer distance for those striving to make the school zone team, and an open grade for those children who found a shorter distance more comfortable for their fitness level. The quality of the running was superb. Congratulations to our children for their efforts and Mr McKay and his team for their organisation

Muritai School Cross Country Results 2014

Year 3 Girls - 1st Rosa Blair, 2nd Lola Campbell, 3rd Mia Campbell
Year 3 Boys - 1st Felix Pummer, 2nd George Baird, 3rd Rylon Watt
Year 4 Girls - 1st Gretta Woolloff, 2nd Ana Zuijderwijk, 3rd Lucy Mirfin-Newman
Year 4 Boys  - 1st Jack Roche, 2nd Harry Rookes, 3rd Cameron Bentley
Year 5/6 Girls Open - 1st Sophia Cave, 2nd Francisca Zaballa, 3rd Katie Beevers
Year 5/6 Boys Open - 1st Leon Medcalf, 2nd Fergus Hart, 3rd Finlay Clark
Year 7/8 Girls Open - 1st Freya Neal, 2nd Sofya Dickson, 3rd Isabella Zaballa
Year 7/8 Boys Open - 1st Theo Weston, 2nd Sasha Houthoofdt, 3rd Javaan De-Gaia
Year 5 Girls Championship
1st Grace Manson, 2nd Gemma Grant, 3rd Chelsea Summers
Year 5 Boys Championship
1st Henry Evans, 2nd Joshua Apaapa-Preston, 3rd Jack Evans
Year 6 Girls Championships
1st Charlotte Humphries, 2nd Samantha Woolley, 3rd Charlotte McFarlane
Year 6 Boys Championship
1st Theo Jones, 2nd Hamish Dalziell, 3rd Luca Campbell
Year 7 Girls Championship
1st Macey Caughley, 2nd Rosie Owles, 3rd Helena Cvitanovich
Year 7 Boys Championship
1st Ben Cass, 2nd Matthew Jones, 3rd Matiu Inwood
 Year 8 Girls Championship
1st Anna Rodgers, 2nd Mia Treadwell-Burke, 3rd Milly Griffiths
Year 8 Boys Championship
1st George Mirfin-Newman, 2nd Jake Murphy, 3rd Fabian Chumko

Thank you so much to our students who were there on Anzac day, representing the school and the other organisations in the Eastbourne community. Our kapa haka group were wonderful, and despite two-thirds of the group being on holiday and unable to attend, were strong and sang beautifully.

Congratulations to Sally Bird who won the Eastbourne RSA essay competition and to Brianna Kirkham who came third. 

Congratulations to Olivia Morphew who has been selected to perform in the Annie production which opens in Wellington shortly.

As part of our Home & School fundraising plan, we are once again selling the Entertainment Book membership. This year you have a choice of the book or the new digital membership (can be downloaded to your mobile phone). The cost is $60 per membership. For each membership sold we get $12, so this is a great fundraiser for our school.

We sent out the books yesterday. To encourage prompt sales we are offering two prizes - one refund of membership purchased and one ‘$100 off voucher’ for Carlton Party hire. To enter the draw to win one of these prizes please ensure you purchase your membership by 16th May 2014.

If you do not wish to purchase a book, please return it to the school office.

Friday 9 May                     School assembly 1.30
Monday 12 May                Junior school interviews 3.15-7.30
Tuesday 13 May               Junior school interviews 3.15-7
                                         Y3-4 football in schools
Friday 16 May                   40 hour famine Assembly 9.30
Monday 19 May                Science Week
                                         Y3-4 football in schools
Tuesday 20 May               Y3-4 football in schools
                                         Vision and hearing testing for NE and Y7
Thursday 22 May              Board of Trustees mtg 7.30 staffroom
Friday 23 May                   Kirsten Berry and Hayden Ray last day at Muritai
Tuesday 27 May               Y5-6 Zone football tournament
Friday 30 May                  Teacher Only Day - school closed
Monday 2 June                 Queen's Birthday - school closed
Wednesday 4 June          ICAS science exam
Thursday 5 June               Strike percussion performance
Friday 6 June                    School Assembly 1.40
Monday 9 June                 Y1-2 fun ferns netball
Tuesday 10 June              Y1-2 fun ferns netball
                                         Y4-6 Zone cross country
Wednesday 11 June        Y1-2 fun ferns netball
Thursday 12 June             Y1-2 fun ferns netball
Monday 16 June               ICAS writing
Tuesday 17 June              ICAS spelling
Thursday 19 June             Board of Trustees mtg 7.30 staffroom
Friday 20 June                  School assembly 1.40
Tuesday 24 June              Y4-6 inter-zone cross country
                                         Y7-8 Zone football
Monday 30 June               Matariki 
Tuesday 1 July                 Kapa haka roopu at Lower Hutt primary festival 7pm
                                         Y4-6 Regional Cross Country
                                         Y3-4 Football in Schools
Thursday 3 July                Celebrations of learning 3-6
Friday 4 Jul                       Last day of term 2 - school finishes at 2.55

Our year 6 peer mediators have started in the playground this term. These children have been through a thorough training programme with Mr McKay and our now floating in the playground with our 5 adults addressing any niggles that may be occurring between children.

Thank you for supporting this project this year. We have managed to give each child at St Patricks Primary in Kilbirnie a set of shoes and a jacket, with the excess going to Wainuiomata Primary School. This fits in with our school value of Kindness and it is good to note that this 'movement' has flowed into other communities who are doing similar acts of kindness.

From this Wednesday throughout terms 2 and 3, the Muritai Home and School group will be offering a hot lunch option for our children at the affordable price of $3 each.

If your child would like a hot dog on Wednesday, simply put $3 in an envelope labelled with your child's name, room number, and whether they would like sauce. The envelope needs to be given to your child's teacher on Wednesday morning and placed in the classroom's designated order bag along with the class's order sheet.

All proceeds from the hot dog sales go directly to the school so this is a super fundraising opportunity.

The netball season starts this Saturday and we have 9 teams representing Muritai from Y3-Y8. A special thank you to all of the coaches and managers who are helping out this year, we can't do it without you and also to Narelle Ferrier who has been working hard behind the scenes to register our teams with Hutt Valley Netball.  We wish all of the teams the very best of luck this season.

As we are now into winter, children will need to keep a pair of slippers at school to wear inside the classrooms. We have about 80% so far, which is excellent. Can you please ensure your child/ren bring a pair to school asap to ensure they have nice dry warm feet during learning time.

We have had a great response to our request for volunteers to be part of the Carnival Committee this year and have quite a number of people willing to help.  The first meeting is to be held next Wednesday, 14 May at 7.30 in the staff room.  If you are interested in helping set up the Carnival, please feel free to come and join us next week.

We are still experiencing cars double parking outside the school entrance on Muritai Rd, completely blocking the view of our 10 year old children operating the road patrol looking south down Muritai Rd and forcing cars to move across the middle line to go round them.  This will probably get worse as we move into winter and the weather gets wetter.  This is a problem for many schools across the country as parents seek to get as close to the front door as possible. Whilst our traffic behaviour is generally pretty good there is a blitz on double parking across the country at the moment and we have been asked by the Police to report any cars double parking outside the school so that they can follow up with the drivers.  Please help our road patrollers by parking considerately and ensuring all our children stay safe.

For Term 2 the Dental Clinic will be open on Tuesdays only (May - July).  Mandy and Sara will be at Petone Central School on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please leave a message on 562 8915 and we will be in touch regarding any queries.  Many thanks - Mandy McMaster

Kids Cross Country Series
Athletics Wellington is again running the Kids Cross Country Series over the winter months at various venues around the Wellington region.  First event Sunday 11 May at Karori Park.  Enter and compete in all five events and receive a competitor’s medal at the last event.  Get a few friends together and form a team.  Team and individual awards.  For more information or to enter go to www.athleticshub.co.nz or email jo@athleticswellington.org.nz or phone 021 976116.

Middle Years Toolbox Parenting Group - from The Parenting Place
A fun and inspiring small group parenting course for parents of children aged 6-12 years.  It’s designed to help you stay connected, teach skills and build memories.  Wednesdays 21st May to 25 June, 7.15pm to 9.30 pm in Avalon.
Cost: $67.50 individual, $90 couple (subsidies are available)

To find out more visit theparentingplace.com or contact Natalie P:934 8483 E: HuttTBX@theparentingplace.com
