Monday 8th February
Naumai e te whanau o te kura Muritai
Tena koutou katoa
Dear Parents / Caregivers
Welcome to everyone who will be associated with the school for 2010. A special welcome to new children and their families joining the Muritai family for the first time and also to Hayden Ray and Sheena Naik who join our teaching staff. We also welcome Margs Mills-Smith in room 23 in place of Mr. Eames who became a father last week – congratulations to Stephen and Dee - life will never be the same! Stephen is on paternity leave for the next two weeks.
The school opened with a roll of 375. It is anticipated that the roll will climb to around 425 by the end of the year as new entrants join the junior classes.
So what are we about at Muritai School in 2010?
We aim to provide a secure, caring and challenging environment in which every pupil will be encouraged to realize their individual potential and “be the best that we can be”. The school will celebrate diversity, individual differences and promote excellence for all children.
Our staff promote high expectations, challenging academic standards and deliver quality teaching and learning programmes. As a school we want to promote a happy environment where our values reflect responsibility, respect, passion and commitment. The children will experience the basics as well as a wide range of extra curricula and sporting opportunities rich in challenge, and fun and varied learning chances.
Learning from others
This year the whole school is focussing on an overall concept of ‘learning from others’. Last year we looked at how we can make a difference. This flows on from that as we look at how we can work together, learn from others, combine in a team and influence the world today and identify what change is necessary as we head for the future. This fits nicely in with the curriculum – technology, health, science and social studies and, specifically our attitudes to our learning and others. All our learning will be integrated around this theme.
We have a hardworking Home and School Committee whose fundraising success in 2009 allowed them to contribute towards data projectors in classrooms as well as much needed improvements to the junior playground facilities such as surfacing and shade cloths. They would love to hear from those parents who are interested in becoming a member of the Home and School or becoming involved in the school through the various sporting codes we offer the children. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office, or check the PTA section of the website for contact names
During 2010 parents will receive regular newsletters outlining the happenings in the school, listing the important events that are coming up and celebrating the successes of the children. Newsletters are e-mailed to parents every two weeks on a Wednesday (except for today). Please be sure we have your up-dated e-mail address.
The school’s website also provides access to the newsletters and other items. Teachers, through their class blogs, use the website to share the activities of the classrooms and school-wide events. Please note the website is the school’s main communication line to the community and we urge all parents to be regular visitors to it to gain the important information about the events of the school.
It was a pleasure to welcome your children back last week, and observe their happiness and enthusiasm for their school. Thank you to Raihania Chadwick who coordinated our first powhiri of the year welcoming Tim Wake (BoT chairperson), Sheena Naik, Hayden Ray and new children to the school.
New students
We have 21 students who have begun beginning their schooling at Muritai this year. A big welcome to our new students and their families ~
• Year 1 ~ Maggie May Harmer, Lucy Harris, Amy Schoenborn, Mia Schoenborn, Maui Morrison, Flynn Cook, Daniel Makowem, Magnus Cummings, Matthew Visser,
• Year 2 ~ Noah Stock
• Year 3 ~ Andrew Sutcliffe, Isla Armstrong, Lucy Blacker,
• Year 4 ~ Mia Warman, Jasmine Stock
• Year 5 ~ Matthew Sutcliffe, Sam Sutherland
• Year 7 ~ Marguerite Kircher, Jordy Lloyd
• Year 8 ~ Ashleigh Edwards, Finlay Bradshaw
We welcome back Andrew and Matthew Sutcliffe back to Muritai from their term in France.
This Wednesday is our ‘Back to School’ picnic from 4.30-6.30ish. With all the things going on after school in Eastbourne it has been difficult to fit this in but this is a good chance to catch up with friends and meet new parents from new class combinations. A BBQ will be running for a sausage sizzle ($1.50) but you are most welcome to bring your own picnic, drinks etc. The weather is looking good so hopefully, this year, we won’t have to cancel.
National Standards
There has been much conversation around National Standards in the media recently. The pace of change has been swift from development of policy-to-policy implementation. An example of the speed of change is that despite it been in the public arena for a while in draft form, specific documentation from the Ministry of Education only just arrived. As a school we believe we have well-developed assessment processes and to meet our administrative obligations requires only subtle change to our practice. Following on from last years successful community meeting the school would like to advise parents of our next community engagement which will be on the 3rd March. The topic will be on the revised national curriculum and national standards.
This term our reporting involves two sessions. A parent-led meet the teacher next Thursday from 2.00 – 7.00. These are 10-minute opportunities to meet with the teacher and share your thoughts and goals about your child. At the end of this term teachers will lead student achievement feedback conference with you where they will share standardized achievement information and set learning goals for your child for the term ahead.
Meet the teacher
Next Thursday the 18th February is a chance for you to meet your new teacher and share your thoughts and goals for them for 2010. School will finish early at 2.00 that day so we can fit all the interviews in. You can book your interview time by going to and enter school code DQB68. A template to guide your preparation for the interview will be posted on the school website.
Room 6 parents – your interview day is on Wednesday 17th February as both Karen Jones and Morag Roberts have a professional development opportunity on that day. You can access this on the above link.
Muritai Munchies
Our school lunch system is on Monday and Friday. Please place the order in the box provided in the school kitchen.
A reminder that children should be at school at 8.40 which is when the first bell rings. This bell tells the children to head to class, as learning will shortly commence. School begins at 8:50.
The bell will ring at 2:40, which indicates to teachers and children that school will shortly finish and that things need to be prepared for home time. School finishes at 2:55.
Road patrol
Please help our 10 year old road patrols by observing the 40KPH speed limit around schools and by not double parking in front of the school office.
All teachers and children are required to have a wide brimmed hat at school. Those without hats will stay in the shade between 10:30 and 3:00. Please make sure hats are named as it helps us to find the owner if somebody finds it.
We have the pool booked as from Monday so we can start swimming as soon as possible. Teachers will advise children as to their swimming days.
The year 5-8 swimming sports will be on Thursday 4th March (week 5) at Huia Pool starting at 9.00.
Please contact the school if your child is absent or going to be away from school either through phoning on the day or in writing if you know that the absence is going to happen.
If your child arrives after 8:55 they must check in at the office to notify the office staff that they are here. This will save an unnecessary phone call.
We will then ring as soon as possible to account for all children.
Kia koutou katoa e mahi nei te whakanui I te mana o te kura Muritai
(Thanks you all for helping us to enhance the prestige of Muritai School)
E noho ra
Andrew Bird
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