The Very Last Bird's Eye View

 I though I would resurrect the Bird’s Eye View one last time.

I have arrived back from my fellowship – an incredible experience of 11 weeks of growth, reflection, and professional observation. It was an eye opening experience and I feel all the stronger for the opportunity. My heartfelt thanks to the Woolf Fisher Trust for selecting me to this experience.

My time is up at Muritai and I head to Kelburn next term. Maureen has clearly done a wonderful job as Principal and the board are moving closer to making a permanent appointment for 2017.

I arrived at Muritai over 15 years ago in term 2 at the tender age of 34. It has been quite a journey but I am proud of where the school is at in 2016 with a bright future ahead. Muritai had just got the internet back then and a few of us were on email, most correspondence / communication was posted. Most of the jobs people did 15 years ago don’t exist anymore in this ever changing world.

Over the years I have had incredible support from a loyal and highly skilled staff and a community that has a strong interest in the success of the school as a lever for realising the potential for their children. I frequently talk about the essential triangle of children, parents and staff working together to enable success and to ultimately progress the good name of the school. Muritai has long had a great reputation in the educational community and continuously works hard to be recognised as an outstanding school.

Our children have always been our focus and as I reflect on what our kids do today to what I experienced when I was at school (or even first teaching) I see a skillset that is different now. The influence of technology and increased and instant speedy access to knowledge, the levels of creativity, independent learning habits of our children is remarkable. Neither process is necessarily better than the other, as the world inconstantly evolving and change is necessary. The key factor for education is timeless however-  is to create life long learners who have the ability to adapt and grow within the world as change occurs around them. Our kids today can do that so well.

The spirit of Muritai children is what I will miss the most and the way the entire staff devotes itself in enabling every child to do their very best – to be the best that they can be. Things aren’t always perfect all the time but the joy they have together, as learners, colleagues, classmates and friends reflects the wonderful community that they are getting to grow up in.

Just like for our children, Muritai School has enabled me to grow as a person and provided an environment and opportunity for me to be the very best that I can be.

When I was in Scotland I saw a wonderful quote on the side of the bus shelter. I thought it fitted the aspirations of our children at Muritai. It was from Mother Theresa. Ironically I was then in Rome at the same time as the canonization of Mother Theresa…I think it is pertinent.

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies
Succeed anyway
If you are honest, sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
When you spend years creating, others could destroy you overnight
Create anyway
If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway....

I wish the entire Muritai community, our wonderful staff and our children (past and present) all the very best as you all go forward into the future.

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