Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Greetings, Malo e Lelei, Kia Orana, Bonjour, Nǐ hǎo, Hallo, Hola, Kon'nichiwa, Namaste, As-salāmu ʿalaykum
Tena koutou Muritai families,
We are now at the end of week 8, of an 11 week term. This term has the unusual addition of Easter being within the term, and not tacked onto the school holidays as it does most years. All schools are closed on Easter Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
This time exactly one year ago, I was writing to you with new information about school closures and the imminent ‘Learning at Home’ as we began our Alert Level 4 Lockdown. I’ll never forget the moment of locking up the school for the final time before lockdown. It was silent, eerie, and felt like a bizarre historical act to be undertaking. I believe it was the first time the school had been closed for a substantial length of time since the school closures during the Spanish Flu. I’m sure you’ll all remember your final tasks too, before we locked down.
It’s hard to believe it's been a whole year since then! It seems a world away from the current abilities we have to continue with life in a manner that’s pretty close to being back to normal. I have been reminded of this over and over during the past weeks as we’ve felt so fortunate over and over to have held many different sporting events, assemblies, Board meetings, Home and School meetings, our mihi whakatau welcoming ceremony for new learners, parents and staff, parent meetings for camp and for our new entrant ‘Starting school at 5’ parent education meetings. Thank you all for the part you continue to play in signing in with the digital Covid tracing app when you enter the school grounds, we really appreciate the effort our community continues to make to keep us all safe.
We wish Kererū well as they head off on camp on Monday, and when they return next Thursday it will be just in time for our Easter break. I hope our children, teachers and parents enjoy their Makahika outdoor adventure, fingers crossed for wonderful weather for your all.
Our playground repairs have been completed, and we thank those parent volunteers who came down and collected some top soil, and especially those who helped to carry and rake out the new loads of soft fall bark across all playgrounds, now it’s time to enjoy! Thanks to our caretaking team Kevin and Dan who have worked hard over the past weeks in getting the play space ready to launch! The playground is open to all ages, and we invite you to come and have a go yourselves, I can highly recommend having a go on the slide…although it was a little faster than I’d anticipated! Enjoy!
Ngā manaakitanga,
Bec Power, Principal
Kapa Haka
We are starting a school kapa haka rōpū for any student who would like to join. Sessions will be from 8.30 am to 9.30am in the school library every Wednesday from Term 2 and run by Hilary Bevin and Ruth Hooke. This is an opportunity to learn Te Reo, waiata-ā-ringa (action songs) hīmene (hymns) and kēmu (games). Whānau are welcome to participate also. There will be performance opportunities (Hutt Fest, etc) during the year.
Notices have been given to children who are interested and extra copies are available in the school office. These need to be signed by parents and returned to the office.
Capture the Flag
On Tuesday a group of approximately 70 students from years 5-8 went to Hutt Park to participate in the Capture the Flag tournament. The students had a great time playing in the sunshine! All teams did extremely well and showed a real sense of sportsmanship and team work! A special mention goes out to Max Bentley and Meg McIntosh for receiving individual spirit awards. Well done to everyone who participated in the day!
Basketball registrations are open. Click on the following link to go to the registration page. Please read the form for all information before registering your child
29 Mar to
1 April Kereru camp at Makahika
1 April Tui whole school assembly at 1.30
2 April Good Friday - school holiday
5 April Easter Monday - school holiday
6 April School holiday (Tuesday after Easter)
9 April School Assembly
13 April Room 2 visiting East Harbour Kindy (TBC)
13 April BOT Meeting at 6.30
14 April Room 1 visiting East Harbour Kindy (TBC)
15 April Cohort 3 School visit 9.30am
16 April Kahu whole school assembly at 1.30
16 April Last day of Term 1
Our Term dates have been agreed for 2021 as follows:
Term 1 4 February to 16 April
Term 2 3 May to 9 July
Term 3 26 July to 1 October
Term 4 18 October to 16 December
COMMUNITY NOTICES - Please Note the following notices have been requested to be published and are not necessarily endorsed by us as a school. In the spirit of community we include these digitally for you to peruse.
Term 1 Lunch time French at Muritai
• Experience French learning the fun way! Children speak French from the first lesson
• For all ages, lessons once a week, lots of interactive activities, role play, crafts, active games and music
• Free trial lesson.
• Includes a membership starter pack of materials to use at home
• For more details contact Stefi on or 021 178 2099
• see website
Anyone for Tennis?
How about making some Me Time and joining us for Mid-Week Tennis on a Tuesday morning?
When? Tuesdays 9.30am – 12 noon (all year)
Where? Muritai Tennis Club, 356 Muritai Rd
Who? Women and Men of any age or ability
Why? Because it’s fun!
How? Try before you buy! Just turn up – casual attire.
Morning tea provided!!
Lessons available
Enquiries: Carol 568 5360 or Merryn 562 0236
‘Girls Got Game’ is a fun and friendly basketball programme for girls in Year 1 – 8. Basketball is a fantastic sport for girls, helping to develop movement and thinking skills in a fun social team environment.
Girls Got Game aims to grow sporting competence and self confidence to help young girls lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The programme focusses on developing three key areas including: Fundamental Movements, Basketball Skills and Traits of Great Players.
Open to girls across Lower Hutt. Coached by experienced and accredited youth basketball coaches from Capital Basketball.
When: Tuesday’s in Term 2, starting 11 May
Where: Chilton St James, 124 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt
Times: Year 1 – 4: 3:30pm – 4:15pm, Year 5 – 8: 4:15pm – 5:20pm
Cost: $30pp
Register via email:
For any questions please contact Scott Richardson from Capital Basketball on:
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