Friday 8 April 2016

auto0Bird’s Eye View 
Number 10

Friday 8 April 2016

Naumai e te whanau o te kura Muritai
Tena koutou katoa

As we are about to enter week 11 we are starting to wrap up a busy term. We look forward to sharing student progress with you on Monday and Tuesday.

There has been a lot of media reporting recently on the new Health and Safety in the Workplace requirements. Our Board takes the safety of our school community very seriously and regularly reflects on our systems and processes. Recently, in light of the implementation date of the new Act, senior staff, board reps and an outside expert went through our systems and processes of managing risk again. We feel confident that our current systems are robust and that our reporting systems allow us to make the changes required to improve the elements of safety for our children, staff and whanau. We don’t see the need to remove any things from our school programme but we acknowledge that 450 people on quite a tight space, with lots of occasional enthusiasm and gusto, will cause, from time to time some bumps and bruises.

We do encourage on a regular basis that our people take care when using our spaces. We also encourage our parent community to inform us if they see something that they view as a hazard or failing so that we can rectify the situation. We do want to be an ‘I can’ school, rather than an ‘I can’t” school.

I was looking at our attendance rates for the term so far and they are pleasing –

which you would expect from a community that values education so highly.

Our attendance spread goes from 80% to 100% with a school-wide daily attendance average of 91%. Of interest is that children are 3 times more likely to be absent on a Friday than the other 4 days of the week. It is important to attend every school day if possible - there is a lot of direct or indirect learning that students engage in each day and teacher’s do plan learning blocks in a sequential pattern. If a child’s daily attendance is as low as 80% then that child will have missed a year’s schooling by the end of year 5 and 2 whole years of schooling by the time they enter year 11 and NCEA level 1.

Car parking was in the news this morning with parking wardens heading to schools to issue tickets to illegally parked cars. They have a particular interest in parking on yellow lines and over driveways. We need to be patient in cars around the school. Our children are very precious and we should always put ourselves out to the advantage of others around the school.

Next Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th April we are holding our first ‘Student Progress’ signpost of the year - parent interviews to feedback student progress across the first term. Over the term we have formed a learning picture for each child and we are able to give you feedback on how the children have done in their initial ‘testing’ and show you examples of work that indicate where they are now and where they are going. The focus in primary school is on the key elements of reading, writing and maths, as well as how they are ‘working’ within the class setting.
To make an appointment go to, put in the code 88cr7 and follow the prompts.

It is important to know that you can meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss progress at any time. Please arrange contact via email.

Next term we will be holding a Board of Trustee elections and the current Board’s three-year term will be coming to an end. Their final meeting as a team will be early next term. We will be seeking nominations in early May from our parent community to guide the school through to the middle of 2019. The new Board will take office in June.

Being on the Board is enormously rewarding as you help to nurture an environment that helps our children to be the best that they can be.  Please consider if you have the skillset to contribute to the governance of our school community.

Kate Brownsword has kindly suggested a working bee to have "a Senior School playground tidy up"!
We would love to rally up as much support as possible to get this happening so if you are keen please meet on the Senior School playground on Saturday 7th May between 1pm - 4pm.  Please bring your own gardening gear and tools and we will see if we can put even more 'Mmmmm...' into Muritai!

The Senior School is all a buzz with the students' Passion Projects.  It is exciting to see everything from artistic canvases, bowls of healthy muesli, animation, paper dresses, Fimo modelling, weaving and all sorts of incredible creations taking shape!  For photos, check out the Senior School Blog!  Don't forget to come and share with us as we celebrate our finished products on Friday 15th April from 11am - 12 noon.  We look forward to seeing you there!

We are still looking for volunteers to help with the hot dogs the Home and School Committee would like to offer for the children on Wednesdays during Terms 2 and 3.  Being on duty is very simple.  There are detailed instructions, and volunteers with less experience are partnered with someone who has done it before.  The time commitment is minimal from 11:30am to 1:30pm.

If you would be willing to volunteer during Terms 2 and 3, please see Jo in the school office.   

An update from Scholastic - we have received half the books today and we hope the rest of the order will be here early next week.

The Muritai School Library will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair next week. The school gets 30% of every sale making this a good fundraiser for our school library. The timing of the Book Fair is set around the parent teacher conferences being held on the Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th from 3-8pm and a final chance on Wednesday 13th 3-4pm.

We are asking for some help to run the book fair; one hour of time would help immensely.  If you can help could you talk to Sue in the School Library or see Jo in the office.

Unfortunately, we have mountains of lost property at present. Our goal is to get it back to its owners by the end of the term. We will put it out next week and hope that it will be claimed.

Mel and the team have organized an excellent holiday programme to keep the children entertained over the next holiday break. This is to provide care for children of working parents and to provide opportunity for those children that would like to attend individual sessions that interest them. You can view the holiday programme timetable by clicking on their blog/information page on our website under Our People.

DIARY DATES (staff may contact you with more details about these events)

Mon 11/Tue 12 April Parent / Teacher meetings 3.00 - 7.30
Thur 14 April   Y7-8 Trip to Parliament
Thur 14 April   BOT mtg 7.30pm
Fri 15 April       School assembly 1.45 (Last day of term!)
Mon 2 May      Term 2 begins

Term 1 = Monday 1 February - Friday 15 April
Term 2 = Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July
Term 3 = Monday 25 July - Friday 23 September
Term 4 = Monday 10 October - Friday 16 December

We have 2 teachers only days this year at Queen’s Birthday and Labour weekend.
Teacher only day one = Tuesday 7 June
Teacher only day two = Tuesday 25 October


Bee Healthy – School Dental Service
There are changes to the current School Dental Service, Mandy & Sarah are no longer based in the Dental Clinic.  If you need to contact them regarding concerns about your child’s teeth or your child has dental pain, you can arrange an appointment by calling 0800 TALK TEETH (0200 825 583).  You can also call this number to update your contact details.  This is a national free phone number, which when calling from the Wellington Region will automatically transfer your call to the Bee Healthy service.  

If you have a preschool aged child, then he/she will be seen with you at a local dental clinic or ‘hub’ for an examination each year.  If your child needs any further treatment they will require further visits with you to the Petone Hub to complete their dental treatment.

If your child is school aged, he/she will be examined on a new dental mobile van which will visit schools annually.  Mandy and Sarah will be in the van at Muritai School during term 2 where they will examine all Muritai School children.

The important change for you as a parent/guardian is that if your child is identified at their examination appointment as needing further treatment, such as a preventive coating or filling, he/she will require this treatment at a dental hub.  As a parent/caregiver you will need to ring 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to arrange a suitable time and attend this appointment with your child.

Further information about Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service is available at

Lower Hutt Code Club - Information Evening
Hutt City Libraries has had a great response to coding workshops held during the school holidays over the last year. Response from students and their parents indicates they are keen to have more opportunities to learn coding. We are excited to be hosting a Code Club Aotearoa information evening this month. If possible, please would you pass on the following information to teachers, parents and students.

Code Club is a nationwide network of free volunteer-led after-school coding clubs for kiwi kids. Last year we kicked off our first Wellington based clubs. To provide more children with the opportunity to learn to code we are looking at starting a new Code Club in Lower Hutt.

Come along to this meet-up to find out how to get involved, look at the amazing resources, and ask questions of people involved in the Wellington based Code Clubs.

Aimed at parents, teachers, and volunteers.

Format will be a brief presentation, questions and Pizza to follow.
War Memorial Library Thursday 14 April, 5.45pm-7.15pm
For more information and to RSVP see the Lower Hutt Code Club

The weather is changing, so is our Friday Lunch Menu. Starting 1st April children can order our NEW Mince or Mince & Cheese Pie lunch combo (with baking surprise & seasonal fruit).
Combos are $7.50 and delivered to the school hall every Friday at 12.30pm. Send us your child/ren's name, room number, and order by 3pm Thursday. Txt 022 468 6325 (022 HOT MEAL) or email
Order forms available at the school office. Payments to 12-3145-0180659-00. See our other popular lunch combo options and term order information at

Netball – Upcoming Event. Saturday 9 April Walter Nash Centre - Saturday 9 April

The ANZ futureFERNS Festival Day is a special one-off event to celebrate Netball.  It is open to all Year 1-6 children – whether they play and love netball already, or are keen to give it a go. A fun programme is planned with netball activities and the chance to meet current Pulse players and Netball legend Irene Van Dyk.

Saturday 9th  April ...
Year 1-2 from 11am -12pm
Year 3-4 from 12.30-1.30pm
Year 5-6 from 2pm -3pm

Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk, Sunday 8 May, Wellington Waterfront.
Run, walk or have a leisurely stroll with your Mum, daughter, sister or a group of girlfriends this Mother’s Day.  Nominate your primary school and they could win a share of $50,000 Rebel Sport vouchers to purchase sport equipment. Register at

Eastbourne Children’s Choir are holding 3 x vocal workshops during the school holidays – between 18th and the 24th April.  Our aim is to achieve a professional sounding presentation piece and perform this as a part of the ANZAC Memorial Service for the Eastbourne Community at the Memorial Gates on Muritai Road on Monday 25th April.

Our keyboard accompaniast on ANZAC Day will be professional musician Robert Keeton.

Ages from: 9ys (any younger depends  on experience, workshop spaces and the discretion of the choir director)

Important note - Those who can’t make the performance but can attend a workshop are welcome.

Fee: $60.00 - $125.00

Any questions please contact the ECCC Director: Nicole Chesterman Kircher or 027 232 2602 or 973-9773

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